#learning #digital #gaming
The challenge: learn Rust by creating a game with Fyrox
So, let’s go to https://fyrox.rs/ and click on the « Start creating games » button…
Now, we are in the « Getting started » section of the fyrox-book, and it says:
- « have the latest Rust installed » -> let’s go to https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/ -> https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/ch01-01-installation.html
- « on Linux [I use Debian on a Chromebook], Fyrox needs the development files for the libraries [that] can be installed with [command to copy] »
Okay, so we’re going to copy some command lines into a Terminal… Is it fun? 🤨
Maybe not as much as having a plumber bounce on carnivorous plants, but if with a few copy-pastes, we can install a visual environment for creating games, it’s pretty cool, right?
Look: less than a dozen lines to copy, and… TA DAH!
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
which installs Rust, and
sudo apt install libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev libxcb1-dev libxkbcommon-dev libasound2-dev
which installs the development files for Debian.
Well, we need to add:
sudo apt install build-essential
which installs a linker (gcc), after which we can install Fyrox’s tools:
cargo install fyrox-template
and create a « RustProjects » directory, then, inside, a « my_game » project:
mkdir RustProjects
cd RustProjects
fyrox-template init --name my_game --style 3d
cd my_game
cargo run --package editor --release
This last line doesn’t work the first time: a message tells me to install pkg-config, so:
sudo apt install pkg-config
cargo run --package editor --release
… and yes, the editor opens! Ouch, there’s a red text… « [ERROR]: GL_INVALID_ENUM error has occurred! Stability is not guaranteed! »
Well, I’m not going to let this little line of text spoil my joy of having the tool installed! Because yes, I now have Rust and Fyrox on my computer, so it’s time to roll up sleeves and use these creation tools!
To be continued…
And you, have you installed Fyrox’s editor?
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