A few words on Enterprise 2.0 – Part 2

Collaborative IT

More on Document Library…

So, in Part 1, we said that, when doing knowledge work, one is producing quite a bit of information, and the amount of data that ends up trapped in email is astounding.

Here are the problems this leads to, and ways to solve them using a CMS (Content Management System) in the 2.0 way:

  1. First, consider collaborating on something relatively simple like a presentation or paper. Any Word/Office document that needs editing by two or more people means many emails, and usually requires reminding that one person who loses the thread. A good content management system with a workflow solves that problem by ensuring that each person knows what’s expected and when they need to give input.
  2. Second, each employee in a small organisation is usually responsible for a variety of disparate tasks, and they end up carrying vital information in their heads or buried in their email. When an employee gets promoted, fired, or otherwise moves on, this makes it doubly difficult to extract information. Using a content management system helps mitigate that problem by ensuring that information is stored in an accessible repository / document library, where the employees within the appropriate groups can get to it.

Next, Part 3 will deal with Folksonomy.

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