Here is one of the buzzwords in this « 2.0 » trend nobody can escape from… « Entreprise 2.0 », or how to use at work, some of those trendy features we use as personal tools…
Enterprise 2.0 is the use of social software platforms within companies, or between companies and their partners or customers.
Social software enables people to rendezvous, connect or collaborate through computer-mediated communication and to form online communities.
Platforms are digital environments in which contributions and interactions are globally visible and persistent over time.
Some features of such platforms:
- Document library: for storing, sharing and accessing the documents that work activities depends on. When doing knowledge work, one is producing quite a bit of information, and the amount of data that ends up trapped in email is astounding. This leads to a couple of problems. [More in Part 2]
- Publishing of employee profiles and searches against those profiles encourage unplanned collaboration and informal interactions as effective ways to solve business problems: expertise location increases productivity and organizational success by identifying the status and location of human expertise in the organization.
- Corporate blogs are used as knowledge-management forums. They give people an intuitive environment in which to share information and collaborate. Participants can continue the conversation, challenge each other and push ideas forward in a collaborative network.
- Corporate wikis provide an easy-to-use environment for subject-matter experts to publish their interpretation on any subject.
- Tag-based classifications: Tagging, which is one of the defining characteristics of Web 2.0 services, allows users to collectively classify and find information. [More in Part 3]
- Rating gives community participants the ability to assign qualitative and popularity values to content, such as a simple up-or-down ranking system or the most often read help files. As content is generated, a rating system provides a way for users to sift through it. It involves the idea that « the wisdom of the crowd » can help sort out the best material.
In summary:
Enterprise 2.0 tools make it easier to share and organize information / documents. Tagging and rating provide a straightforward way to find content and make judgments about what to look at. Blogs and wikis are natural collaboration and communication platforms. Social network tools / profiles publication help staff find the right individual or group of people. Enterprise 2.0 has the potential to provide knowledge and content management in a surprisingly cheap and easy fashion using Web-based tools.
Part 2 will dig more into Document Library, and Part 3 will describe something called Folksonomy…
2 Responses
[…] in Part 1, we said that, when doing knowledge work, one is producing quite a bit of information, and the […]
[…] Part 1, we introduced tagging as a way for users to collectively classify and find information. This […]