#learning #digital #gaming
After a break at the beginning/end of year, here I am again in my Rust learning journey. To get started with the basics, I have identified several books with practical applications throughout the learning process: Rust quick start guide, Rust programming by example, Rust programming cookbook, and especially Hands-on Rust – Effective learning through 2D Game development and play.
I also looked at the « official book »: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/, and discovered the existence of an experiment to make Rust documentation more effective through a more interactive format, particularly by including quizzes. This appeals to me! So I decide to participate in the experiment: https://rust-book.cs.brown.edu/
Other ways to practice Rust for fun: CodinGame and Exercism (see my post on language learning):
https://exercism.org/tracks/rust :
I am progressing slowly on these different tracks because I am also exploring resources on the Godot game engine and the world of Roblox (especially its Roblox Studio editor), which motivate the young makers in my Graines2Tech Club… 😉
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